Rugby Espoir Solidarité was created in 1996
to serve the cause of the great injured rugby players.
Its purpose :
To gather together seriously injured rugby players in order to inform, exchange and find solutions for the future.
To contribute to a better knowledge of this sport as a sportive practice purposed to the young people within the framework of the enforced legislation.
To establish links between the players, former players and future players and all who are likely to be concern with rugby.
To sensitize the public opinion, the rulers, the press and the medical body about the laws of fair-play.
To impose the respect of security conditions and the laws of the game by referees and players.
The assistance likely to be proposed to the players who would be seriously injured during the practice of their sport.
To case the professional readmission of the injured rugby players wanting to work as everybody.
Prevention of the accidents, presence of a doctor near the grounds, in order to do the first aid gestures in case of serious lesions, at the cervical rachis for instance.
To envisage the emergency evacuation toward the nearest hospital and a surgical intervention in the two hours.
To insure the medical follow-up of all rugby players.
To ensure the effective implementation of a data file that would take into account successive data real culprits of violence, sometimes hard game for these players to be written off for life.
To encourage "l'académie des premières lignes" witch purpose to develop training and publicity campaigns of the players, trainers and referees with specificities of first line players. Modifications of the rules of game (for example: the prohibition of the high tacklings).
To take part in the days of safety organized by the Fédération Française de Rugby in order to bring our experiment.
To develop a little more solidarity in the world of rugby so as not to sit on the sidelines.
Rugby is not more dangerous than other sports, but like all contact sports, it requires good preparation. Indeed, the lack of preparation and willingness to do as the professional players can cause serious injuries. It is true that, less prepared physically, amateur players are less "wrapped" and have less developed muscles.